The term “gender equality” was dreamed up by leftarded poofters who use the word “relationship” every couple of words. There is no such thing as gender equality. There are things men do better. There are others that women do better. Like making me a pie!

So if you cats do housework, not only will you be deficient in booticious activities, you will also get your ass divorced! Why? Because straight womerns don’t want to be married to another womern…of either sex.

Source: DUDES, WANT MORE SEX? DON’T BE A WOMAN! – Angry White Dude

Vetting future women by using social media. – Adam Piggott

“Men are so judgmental!” she wailed. “They are always judging us!” This was relayed to me by a woman in her mid-thirties who had been single for a while and was looking for a partner.

“I know,” I nodded sympathetically. “It’s most odd that a middle aged man who has accumulated substantial assets and enjoys a certain reputation both professionally and socially should carry out some sort of character assessment on those who he is looking to share his entire life with. Me, I just don’t get it.”

Source: Vetting future women by using social media. – Adam Piggott

‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score : The Other McCain

However, feminism actually encourages the pursuit of casual sex as “empowering” — an exercise of “sexual autonomy” — and any criticism of promiscuity is rejected by feminists as “slut-shaming.” Feminism thereby promotes exactly the kind of behavior that puts young women at risk of “date rape.”

Source: ‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score : The Other McCain

Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan

“And for those who roll their eyes at the mention of slippery slopes when it comes to this ruling, our president, his administration and members of the judicial, academic, and media elite and their vast bureaucracies are now robbing children of their God-given, biological identity.”

Source: Articles: A Monstrous Moral Leviathan